ghostlight (2024)
feature film . 115 minutes
premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival
inclusion in SXSW 2024
distribution by IFC Films / Sapan Studio
involvement: production design
co-directors: Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson
screenwriter: Kelly O’Sullivan
producers: Pierce Cravens, Chelsea Krant, Ian Keiser, Eddie Linker, Alex Wilson
cinematography: Luke Dyra
imdb - trailer
feature film . 115 minutes
premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival
inclusion in SXSW 2024
distribution by IFC Films / Sapan Studio
involvement: production design
co-directors: Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson
screenwriter: Kelly O’Sullivan
producers: Pierce Cravens, Chelsea Krant, Ian Keiser, Eddie Linker, Alex Wilson
cinematography: Luke Dyra
imdb - trailer
“When a construction worker unexpectedly joins a local theater’s production of Romeo and Juliet, the drama onstage starts to mirror his own life.
Alex Thompson and Kelly O'Sullivan’s moving, gently comic collaboration is about the power of live theater to make sense of our offstage dramas and personal narratives. Ghostlight centers on Dan (Keith Kupferer), a melancholic middle-aged construction worker grieving a family tragedy. Cut off from his devoted wife, Sharon (Tara Mallen), and talented but troubled daughter, Daisy (Katherine Mallen Kupferer), Dan finds comfort and community in a misfit company of amateur actors. While moonlighting in a low-rent production of Shakespeare’s most protean tragedy, Dan is forced to confront his buried emotions. Real-life family Mallen, Kupferer, and Mallen Kupferer bring tenderness and authenticity to this poignant portrait, while Dolly de Leon — last seen stealing the scene in Triangle of Sadness — is hilarious as Dan’s irascible, improbable co-star.—MC”
- summary and review via Sundance
Alex Thompson and Kelly O'Sullivan’s moving, gently comic collaboration is about the power of live theater to make sense of our offstage dramas and personal narratives. Ghostlight centers on Dan (Keith Kupferer), a melancholic middle-aged construction worker grieving a family tragedy. Cut off from his devoted wife, Sharon (Tara Mallen), and talented but troubled daughter, Daisy (Katherine Mallen Kupferer), Dan finds comfort and community in a misfit company of amateur actors. While moonlighting in a low-rent production of Shakespeare’s most protean tragedy, Dan is forced to confront his buried emotions. Real-life family Mallen, Kupferer, and Mallen Kupferer bring tenderness and authenticity to this poignant portrait, while Dolly de Leon — last seen stealing the scene in Triangle of Sadness — is hilarious as Dan’s irascible, improbable co-star.—MC”
- summary and review via Sundance