of miniature magnitude (2019)
digital render/painting
digital render/painting
A visual landscape inspired by a “table of contents”.
From the first printed Chinese landscapes to Gutenberg’s printing press, the invention of the modern typewriter and now the global network of the computer. Each development of mass “printing” capabilities opens the door to broader authorship from a greater audience.
But with each technological gain are introductions of subtler, but still ever present, constraints. What is quieted and what collective values are raised?
diligent eyes diligent ears diligent minds
observe the fears
From the first printed Chinese landscapes to Gutenberg’s printing press, the invention of the modern typewriter and now the global network of the computer. Each development of mass “printing” capabilities opens the door to broader authorship from a greater audience.
But with each technological gain are introductions of subtler, but still ever present, constraints. What is quieted and what collective values are raised?
diligent eyes diligent ears diligent minds
observe the fears